Hawaiian Islands Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
Engage with and support the mental health of our community! Here are links to some established Hawaii Nonprofits with Mental Health Programs
AIMH HI (Infant & Family mental health)
Catholic Charities Hawai'i (catholiccharitieshawaii.org)
Child & Family Service | Our Impact on the Families of Hawaii (childandfamilyservice.org)
Family Promise of Hawai'i: Services for Homeless and Low-Income Families (familypromisehawaii.org)
Family Support Hawai'i: Supporting families and communities since 1979 (familysupporthawaii.org)
Hale Kipa (foster care, homeless and at-risk youth services)
Hawai'i Alliance of Nonprofit Organizations (hano-hawaii.org)
Hawai'i State Council on Mental Health
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Hawaii (hmhb-hawaii.org)
The Institute for Human Services (ihshawaii.org)
Mental health services on Kaua'i (kauaimha.org)
Mental health services for people experiencing AIDS (mauiaids.org)
Maui Behavioral Health Resources (mbhr.org)
Mental Health Kōkua: Mental Health Services in Hawai'i (mhkhawaii.org)
National Alliance on Mental Illness Hawaii (namihawaii.org)
‘Āina Momona: Native Hawaiian Organization (kaainamomona.org)
Parents And Children Together (pacthawaii.org)
RYSE: Residential Youth Services and Empowerment (rysehawaii.org)
YWCA of Hawaii Island: Eliminating Racism, Empowering Women (ywcahawaiiisland.org)