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Hawaiian Islands Association for Marriage and Family Therapy



HIAMFT is proud to be actively involved in mental health legislation in ours and the greater community.

Here are some recent updates!

July 2024

We have important news! Senate Bill 2601 was passed into law regarding the time limit for reporting child sexual abuse.

The time limit was extended from age 26 to age 50 "recognizing the cognitive and emotional barriers that often delay disclosure."

Thank you to the members of the Hawai'i Psychological Association's Legislative Committee who have worked to provide written testimony in favor of this bill with success!

You may find out more about the legislative process leading up to the bill being signed into law HERE and HERE.

You may also read up on the details of this bill HERE.

HIAMFT thanks you for your interest and involvement in legislative matters impacting our field and our greater island communities. You may fill out our Committee Interest Form if you would like to participate in Legislative Action!

Warm Regards,

HIAMFT Board of Directors

HB1830 | Hawaii 2024 | Mental Health; Provisional Licensure; Associate Licensure; Marriage and Family Therapists; Mental Health Counselors; Psychologists; Examinations; Social Work Interns; Insurance Reimbursements; Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs; Appropriation | TrackBill

June 2024

HB1830 Signed into Law by Governor Green

Aloha HIAMFT Members,

I am thrilled to announce that after three years of dedicated effort, HB1830 was officially signed into law by Governor Green on Thursday, June 27, 2024. This significant achievement is a testament to the hard work and commitment of our community.

About HB1830

HB1830 addresses mental health associate licensure, which will:

  • Establish Provisional Licensure: Provisional or associate-level licensure requirements for marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, and psychologists in training.
  • Insurance Reimbursements: Allow for insurance reimbursements for services provided by supervised associate-level practitioners, including social work interns.
  • Early Examination Eligibility: Permit psychologist license applicants with provisional licenses to sit for their licensing examination before completing certain post-doctoral supervised experience requirements.


This milestone would not have been possible without the collective efforts of our community and partners. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to:

  • Hawai'i Psychological Association (HPA):
Ray Folen and Alex Lichton
  • National Association of Social Workers - Hawai'i Chapter (NASW-HI):
Sonja Bigalke-Bannan
  • Becky Gardner, Esq.:
Our intrepid lobbyist
  • House Representative Corey Chun:
Our legislative champion
  • Joy Quick:
For teaching HIAMFT how to do legislation!
  • Britt Young
 For getting the first bill drafted
  • All the HIAMFT board members
  • And all those who testified live or through written testimony!!!

Additionally, we want to acknowledge and thank all the individuals who stepped up to make this happen. Your perseverance and advocacy have made a profound impact, and we look forward to continuing our work together to enhance mental health care in Hawai'i.

Rollout Details

HIAMFT, HPA, and NASW-HI will continue to keep you posted on the details of the rollout of this new associate licensing structure, which is due to take effect on July 1, 2026. We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition and providing you with all necessary information and support.

Mahalo for your unwavering support and dedication.

Warm regards,

Dr. John Souza, Jr., LMFT, DMFT

Legislative Committee Chair

Past President-HIAMFT

MAY 2024

May is 

Mental Health Awareness Month

HB1830 on Associate Licensing for Mental Health Professionals passed the State Legislature! 

It is now on its way to Governor Green for his signature.

Please contact Governor Green through this link on his website, (or here) with a kind message encouraging him to sign HB1830 into law.

Aloha, Governor Green:

In honor of May - Mental Health Awareness Month, I am writing to respectfully encourage you to sign HB1830 Relating to Mental Health into law.  

Through this legislation, I am grateful that new professionals in behavioral health will no longer face the administrative and economic barriers that drive them to practice in mainland states.  We are happy they can stay home and serve our people in need.

Few pieces of legislation can claim the support of every single member of our state legislature - with zero legislators voting "no", nor "with reservations."  With no opposition in the public, and 5 state agencies testifying in support, we can feel assured that the policy reflected in HB1830 has the best interests of Hawaii's people, their future, and their well-being top-of-mind.  

Thank you for exhibiting a staunch ethic of care in your leadership, and for your steadfast commitment to Hawaii's Public Health; which inextricably and undeniably includes Mental Health, Wellness, & Resiliency.



To commemorate Mental Health Awareness month, and to support the important efforts and policies our government engages in to promote better community mental health, reductions in stigma, and increased consumer access and utilization of behavioral health care:

Sample email/scrip

Click here to log in and send your message:

April 2024

Aloha HIAMFT Members,

We are thrilled to share some exciting news that marks a significant milestone in our collective advocacy efforts. House Bill 1830 (HB1830) has successfully passed the Senate Ways and Means (WAM) Committee!

This progress is a testament to the power of our unified voice and the importance of the cause we champion – improving access to mental health care in Hawai’i.

You can watch the hearing and see our advocacy in action.

This victory means that HB1830 will now move to the conference phase, a crucial juncture where final amendments will be discussed, and consensus must be reached before the bill can become law. While this is a moment to celebrate, our journey is not yet complete.

As we prepare for the conference phase, we may need to mobilize further support to ensure HB1830 crosses the finish line. HIAMFT will keep you informed of developments and how you can help when the time comes.

We want to extend a heartfelt Mahalo Nui Loa to each of you for your dedication, advocacy, and support that have been instrumental in achieving this progress. Your efforts have been a critical force behind this bill's advancement, and it's clear that our collective action can bring about meaningful change.

Please stay tuned for further updates. Together, we will continue to make a difference in the lives of those seeking mental health support in our state.

Warm regards,

HIAMFT Board of Directors

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